Good Day Each and Everyone.
We now have been set up to make it easier for you to keep track of the site.
What does that mean? Well….
If you have Facebook or Twitter, you can be updated with the latest post on the site here automatically if you join our Facebook page, or Follow us on Twitter. You can access those pages from the Facebook or Twitter Links at the top of the site.
Just one more way to keep up to date with the site and it’s added content.
Also, I’ve been adding more and more information to the site, and it’s available either through the clickable menu at the top of the site, or also most of it is available on the Menu to the right. If it’s not there now, it will be soon.
Thanks Everyone for your participation, and if you have any ideas, or things and Information you would like to see added, Please feel free to contact me.
Thanks again, and Have a Most Wonderful Day.
Bro.JD.Kevin LeQue