3/29/12 Grand Master White’s April Address to the Craft


As I write this article, the Grand Lodge staff and officers are busy preparing for the upcoming Annual Communication in June. While it may seem a little early, we all know how fast the time flies by. The Lodges should also be preparing and planning for this event, as the Worshipful Masters and Wardens comprise the voting body of the Grand Lodge. We hope to have a little different approach to the Annual Communication this year. We will of course have the traditional introductions of our Past Grand Masters and visiting Dignitaries, but along with the usual business we are going to mix in Masonic education and some guest speakers to make it more enlightening for all who attend.

Davey L. White, Jr. Grand Master of WI 2011-2012

Speaking of the Annual Communication, there has been some concern on the proper protocol on the new concealed carry laws and how we are preparing to deal with it. As you recall I sent a letter out earlier in the year concerning this subject stating there should be no guns in the Lodge room unless it is for your profession and you are required to carry it at all times. I believe the same rules apply for the Annual Communication. If you feel the need to bring your gun with you, I would suggest you lock it up in your case and leave it in your vehicle. I have heard of reports that people are “carrying” at Masonic Memorial Services. This is upsetting a lot of members. I would suggest that anytime you will be wearing an apron that you secure your fire arm and leave it in your vehicle or at home. Please don’t get me wrong I am a firm believer in the 2nd amendment and am an avid hunter. No one enjoys fire arms any more than I, but there is a proper time and place. Please use common sense when attending Masonic events. Thank You.

The end of February your Executive team traveled to Atlanta Georgia to attend the North American Conference of Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries. It was an enjoyable trip and we came away from the conference with many new friends and some new ideas and programs to promote Masonry in Wisconsin. These types of conferences are necessary to foster the friendships and connections necessary to be prepared for the future and keep our jurisdiction moving forward as a leader not a follower.

I have had the pleasure to attend several Schools of Instructions recently. I am excited about the number of Brothers attending the Schools. There are a lot of our younger members who are eager to learn not only the words, but the history and meanings behind what we teach in our ritual. As you all know I made it a priority this year to start to restore the interest and integrity of our schools. I would like to thank our Grand Lecturer Ken Gorgen for being instrumental in preparing our three year plan for our schools. Bro. Ken and his Esoteric Committee have done a fine job this year. I believe Brother Ernie Hiegel would be proud of your efforts.

This past weekend I had the pleasure to attend a couple of District meetings. It is always a pleasure to get out and meet new Brothers from around the State. Your Grand Lodge Officers are doing an excellent job of speaking at these meetings. They have prepared some very informative and thought provoking material for you to enjoy. If you haven’t had the opportunity to attend a District Meeting, I would encourage you to contact your District Deputy to find out when your meeting will be held. Remember we are only your representatives and we are trying to give back to the Fraternity, for the blessings you have allowed us to enjoy.

I also had the pleasure to confer a Master Mason Degree on a fine young man and now Brother of Omro Lodge. I believe it is the first Master Mason degree they have conferred in almost 15 years. It truly was an honor for me and something I will hold dear for the rest of my life.

Masonry my Brothers is in good hands and I am positive that we will eventually have an increase in membership. As I have said all year, if we concentrate on bringing quality individuals into our Fraternity and not just worry about numbers, we will take care of growing Masonry in the State of Wisconsin.


In Brotherly Love,

Davey L. White Jr.

Grand Master

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