Greetings from the West Brothers,
Just a quick reminder as to whats going on this Week,
First and Foremost We have School of instruction Tuesday and Wednesday.
Tuesday will be at Eau Claire, and is being hosted by Sanctuary #347
The are serving Dinner at 6pm and if you could please get back to me if you are going,
so I can inform them as to how many to expect from our lodge that will be there for dinner
to help with their food arrangements.
Tuesdays Schedule is as follows:
The Lodge Line is responsible for
2) Flag Presentation
4) Rod Work
6) Due guards and Signs
Wednesday We have School of instruction and WE are hosting it at BuffaloRiver Lodge
Again, Please, if you can, let us know if your coming so we know how much food to make.
Dinner will be at 6pm,
Weds. Schedule is as follows for our lodge’s line…
10)Taking the Pass
11) Questions and Answers
Please come out to the School of instruction meetings and show your support as
Harold Christensen has a good time making fun of us all! (hahaha)
And remember, Your WM gets points for everyone who attends towards the Lodge’s
LEA award.
Thanks and I hope to see you there!
Bro. Kevin D. LeQue S.W. Buffalo River Lodge #252