Grand Master Harker’s February 2011 Message

What a joy the last couple of months have been, Lodge officers installed, time spent with family and friends. A great kick off to 2011.

While installing Lodge officers I have witnessed a number of occasions where the lodge is including their ladies and family members by having them place the officer’s jewel on their loved one or by using a candle ceremony. A few lodges have made some minor modifications to the installation ceremony to meet their needs and that is great. Best wishes to all lodge officers for a successful 2011.

We have made our New Year’s resolutions, we have new opportunities, and have set new goals. Many of these resolutions, goals and opportunities involve our lodges and our new officers. Now is the time to apply ourselves and meet these goals and make the best of the new opportunities afforded us. It is time to activate those plans that you have for this Masonic year. Engage all the members of your lodge, especially the newer members by assigning them a project and asking them to report on the progress at your meetings.

Brethren, when you see something that needs to be done in your lodge, or something your lodge needs, volunteer to take care of it, or organize a group to assist. You will have a real sense of pride when the task is completed. Start now on all those resolutions and goals. A year from now when you look back on what you have accomplished, you will be proud of what you have done and you will be ready for another year of challenges and accomplishments.

As I write this message I am in the mist of the Grand Master’s Trip to visit our Brothers who winter or live in Florida and Arizona. Brother William Barnes, Director of Development and I attended the Fort Meyers luncheon January 18. Bro. Billy Brown and his Lady did an excellent job in planning and hosting this event. I was pleased to meet so many Brothers that I knew and a few I didn’t know. It was great to be with true Wisconsin Masons.

We also have luncheons scheduled in Davenport, Forida and Sun City, Arizona, later during this trip. It is important to the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin that we maintain our contacts with Brothers who are “snowbirds” or permanent residents of other states.

I would like to remind you of the very important questions asked during the interview of a potential candidate and those questions you were asked prior to experiencing the first degree in Masonry. I encourage you to review those questions.

My Brothers remember your obligations and charges as a Mason and also the charges as an officer of your lodge. Refer to them often, for if you do and they mean something to you, you can not help but be a better husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, uncle and nephew; and you will also be happy with yourself.

“on the Level”
